Call for Submissions! Microscope Gallery Event Series 2022

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Microscope is pleased to announce an Open Call for the new year, inviting artists, whether established or emerging, to submit new and recent film, video, digital or other moving image works, sound, performance and other works made for screening or live presentation for consideration for its weekly Event Series, taking place in-person and/or online.

To submit, please send your name, contact info, link to work, title, length, completion date, screening format, description, any documentation, and credits by filling out the form:

Deadline: December 31st, 2021, 11:59pm PT.

For work that is not available to preview online, you may send the requested information and a preview by flash drive or other formats to: Microscope Gallery (Attention: Event Series) 525 West 29th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001 and postmarked by the December 31st deadline.

Microscope is dedicated to artists working with the time-based arts in all their forms and is guided by the principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity.

We look forward to seeing your work!

Microscope Gallery has presented exhibitions as well as a weekly Event Series complementing and expanding the curatorial programming through screenings, performances, readings, and lectures since its opening in Brooklyn, New York in September 2010. The Event Series has received critical attention in the US and abroad including in Art in America, ArtFCity, Artforum, ARTnews, Bedford & Bowery, Huffington Post Arts, Hyperallergic, Observer, The New York Times, Screen Slate, Studio International, TimeOut, among many others. In addition to the gallery’s programming, the Event Series has also included collaborations with institutions including The Whitney Museum of Art, The Parrish Museum, Centre Pompidou Paris, Anthology Film Archives, LightCone Paris, Union Docs, The Flaherty, Maysles Cinema, White Box Gallery, and others. Microscope’s Event Series 2021-22 is sponsored by Re:Voir, a home video label for classic and contemporary experimental film in Paris, France. Microscope Gallery
is now located at 525 W. 29th Street, New York, NY 10001.


Friday, December 31, 2021 (All day)

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