[news]: LFF 2007: Avant-Garde Weekend

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

[url=http://expcinema.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100&...  LFF 2007: Avant-Garde Weekend[/url]
This year's edition of the London Film Festival brings us again its Avant garde Weekend, [url=http://www.bfi.org.uk/whatson/lff/film_programme/experimenta][b]Experime.... During the last weekend of October we'll be able to see several film programmes, curated by Mark Webber, on themes such as identity, poetic perception of nature and the revisitation of the past. Highlights include a new works by [b]Ken Jacobs[/b], [b]Peter Hutton[/b] and[b] Robert Beavers[/b], newly restored versions of [b]Carolee Schneemann[/b]'s films [i]Fused [/i]and [i]Kitch’s Last Meal[/i] and a practical workshop with [b]David Gatten[/b] 'on the use of text in 16mm filmmaking'.[br /]

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: LFF 2007: Avant-Garde Weekend

[url=http://www.expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=...  LFF 2007: Avant-Garde Weekend[/url]
This year's edition of the London Film Festival brings us again its Avant garde Weekend, [url=http://www.bfi.org.uk/whatson/lff/film_programme/experimenta][b]Experime.... During the last weekend of October we'll be able to see several film programmes, curated by Mark Webber, on themes such as identity, poetic perception of nature and the revisitation of the past. Highlights include a new works by [b]Ken Jacobs[/b], [b]Peter Hutton[/b] and[b] Robert Beavers[/b], newly restored versions of [b]Carolee Schneemann[/b]'s films [i]Fused [/i]and [i]Kitch’s Last Meal[/i] and a practical workshop with [b]David Gatten[/b] 'on the use of text in 16mm filmmaking'.[br /]

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