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Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: Isidore Isou (1925-2007)

Mmmm, yes, after having read your thoughts about it, "great" seems a big overstatement. What did I like about the post? The commentary (although as you say, almost completely descriptive, specially in the commentary of the second part) about Venom and Eternity. Probaly due to the fact that I hadn't read anything on this piece before (my lack).

[quote="MEstes"]When will the day come when we can read critical, discriminating essays on works of an experimental nature? It is as if those that admire such work are reluctant to criticize, as they feel that there are already enough Crowthers in the world.[/quote]

I'd love to see that too. When I watch a piece, of course, I can tell if I liked it or not, what parts of it impressed me most and why, but as you say, I find some reluctance in talking about its possible "flaws". Why? Part of it comes from the lack of knowledge about the artist's intentions, what prompted him/her into doing so and so, and yes, also the "fear" (as art nowadays use constant references) that I'm missing something. Maybe I fear to make a fool of myself?  ;D

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