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[news]: Robert Frank: The Complete Film Works

[url=http://www.expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=... Robert Frank: The Complete Film Works[/url]
[b]Steidl[/b], the famous photography publisher, will issue in DVD all of the 25 films and videos made by [b]Robert Frank.[/b] As of now 2 volumes have been announced, each one containing 3 films.[br /]
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- [url=http://www.steidlville.com/books/541-The-Complete-Film-Works-Vol-1-Pull-... Complete Film Works. Vol 1[/url]  will feature [i]Pull My Daisy[/i] (1959, 28 minutes), [i]The Sin of Jesus[/i] (1961, 40 minutes), and [i]Me and My Brother [/i](1068, 85 minutes), in a 3 DVD jewel-cased edition. 50 GBP, 95 US$, 75 €.[br /]
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- [url=http://www.steidlville.com/books/545-Robert-Frank-The-Complete-Film-Work... Complete Film Works. Vol 2[/url]  will contain [i]OK End Here[/i] (1963, 32 minutes), [i]Conversations in Vermont[/i] (1969, 26 minutes), and [i]Liferaft Earth[/i] (1969, 37 minutes) in a 3 DVD edition, each of them in a film-roll case. 82.25 GBP, 125 US$, 95 €.[br /]
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Volumes 1 and 2 will be released next September.[br /]

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