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Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2017 Call for Entries

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Major event dedicated to contemporary practices of moving image, the next Rencontres Internationales will be held in Paris in December 2017. It offers every year a new international programme made of works by internationally renowned artists and filmmakers, along with works by young artists shown for the first time.

The call for entries for the next Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin is open until September 10th, 2017.

Film, Video, Multimedia
Any individual or organization can submit one or several works. The call for entries is open to cinema, video and multimedia works, there is no restriction for length nor genre. Any submission is free, regardless of geographical origins.

Film and Video

  • Video / Experimental video
  • Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, middle and full length
  • Documentary, exp. documentary
  • Experimental film
  • Animation


  • Video installation, multimedia installation
  • Multimedia concert, multimedia performance

To enter a work until September 10, 2017, click here www.art-action.org/call
You can choose between two types of registration:

  • 100% online entry form, without postal sending
  • Entry form to use with regular mail

Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Septiembre 10, 2017 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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