Material Synthesis

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Looking for experimental media and video art that engages diffractive vs representational approaches to moving images and works that utilize technology as a diffractive lens to investigate alternative ways of seeing and making. Material Synthesis is kin to the historical video art genera of signal processing, and operates within the New Materialism movement, specifically Agential Realism, which is the entanglement of matter and meaning*.

"Diffraction does not produce ‘the same’ displaced, as reflection and refraction do. Diffraction is a mapping of interference, not of replication, reflection, or reproduction. A diffraction pattern does not map where differences appear, but rather maps where the effects of differences appear.” - Donna J. Haraway

"Once we have seen, that is, have sensuously experienced, alternative visions, our perceptual convictions can never remain innocent; by their mere existence, these machine visions expand the scope of how the world can be looked at, and simultaneously they enrich the expressive means of artists such as the Vasulkas." - Frank Dietrich -The Computer: A Tool for Thought Experiments

Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Agosto 14, 2020 (Todo el día)

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