
  • Harmonia: Glitch, Movies and Visual Music

    Harmonia, “harmonies,” analyzes the connections between glitch art, visual music, abstraction, and motion pictures. This collection is a chronological survey of glitch art pioneer Michael Betancourt’s artistic research into, around, and with digital motion pictures that theorizes and critiques visual music.


    Average: 3.5 (2 votes)


    Hardcover - 39,99 USD
    Paperback - 29,99 USD


  • Codes for North: Foundations of the Canadian Avant-Garde Film

    Codes for North is a study of the early evolution of the Canadian avant-garde film and its roots in an aesthetic of difficulty. Stephen Broomer traces the evolution of this cinema through the work of three artists—Jack Chambers, Michael Snow and Joyce Wieland—from their early development as painters in the 1950s to the creation of their epic films: Reason Over Passion (1969), The Hart of London (1970), and La Region Centrale (1971). Their work formed in response to a strain of Neo-Dada that took root in southern Ontario in the late 1950s.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    25 USD


  • Light/Lumière

    Light is a poem by beat poet and experimental filmmaker ruth weiss, written in 1976 in response to a series of light-shows by Elias Romero.

    A new bilingual edition (English-French), translated, edited, designed, and published by STEREOEDITIONS is now available.

    Bilingual edition (English-French) of ruth weiss' poem Light
    36 pages
    Laser print on recycled silk paper, cyanotype cover.
    50 copies (signed and numbered)


    Average: 4 (2 votes)


    15 EUR


  • Raphaël Bassan. The Filmmaking Critic

    Including 3 films directed by Raphaël Bassan plus 2 bonus films directed by Michel Amarger & Frédérique Devaux and Viviane Vagh.
    With a 43p. bilingual booklet in English & French.


    Average: 2.7 (6 votes)


    14,90 EUR


  • Jeannette Muñoz. El paisaje como un mar/The Landscape as a Sea

    Edición bilingüe en castellano e inglés / English and Spanish bilingual edition


    Una gota de agua pura basta para purificar un océano; una gota de agua impura basta para manchar un universo / Francisco Algarín Navarro

    Las piedras pueden ser pan y la arena azúcar / Vanessa Agudo Molina, Francisco Algarín Navarro, Blanca García


    Average: 3 (2 votes)


    20 EUR - Spain
    25 EUR - Europe
    28 EUR - Rest


  • Stan Brakhage - Anticipation of the Night

    DVD/Blu-Ray combo with the film 'Anticipation of the Night' by Stan Brakhage

    “The great achievement of Anticipation of the Night is the distillation of an intense and complex interior crisis into an orchestration of sights and associa- tions which cohere in a new formal rhetoric of camera movement and montage.” -P. Adams Sitney


    Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


    26,90 EUR


  • Ism, Ism, Ism / Ismo, Ismo, Ismo - Experimental Cinema in Latin America

    Ism, Ism, Ism / Ismo, Ismo, Ismo is the first comprehensive, United States–based film program and catalogue to treat the full breadth of Latin America’s vibrant experimental film production. The exhibition features key historical and contemporary films from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and the United States.


    Average: 3 (2 votes)


    45 USD


  • Fin De Tournage / Done With Filming

    Done with Filming is the title of a film made by Maurice Lemaître between 1985 – 1990. It is composed of a collection of slides, primarily from New Wave films, on which the artist has intervened in multiple ways: with touch-ups, smudges, and graphic and visual interventions. Simultaneously, the soundtrack consists of a fake journalistic-style interview in which Lemaître, in his characteristic manner that is both serious and humorous, gives an account of his relationship with cinema, criticism, and creation.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    35 EUR


  • Movement as Meaning in Experimental Cinema

    Movement as Meaning in Experimental Cinema offers sweeping and cogent arguments as to why analytic philosophers should take experimental cinema seriously as a medium for illuminating mechanisms of meaning in language. Using the analogy of the movie projector, Barnett deconstructs all communication acts into functions of interval, repetition and context. He describes how Wittgenstein's concepts of family resemblance and language games provide a dynamic perspective on the analysis of acts of reference.


    Average: 4.6 (18 votes)


    130 USD - Hardback
    117 USD - Epub


  • Metaphors on Vision

    Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of "Green"? How many rainbows can light create for the untutored eye? How aware of variations in heat waves can that eye be? Imagine a world alive with incomprehensible objects and shimmering with an endless variety of movement and innumerable gradations of color.


    Average: 3.6 (14 votes)


    40 USD



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