Best rated

Best rated publications according to the votes of the website's visitors.



  • Film Culture Index

    The history of the cinema magazine Film Culture is unique. Founded in New York in 1955 by Jonas and Adolfas Mekas, the journal, first facing auteur cinema is needed quickly as the place of debate and analysis essential to almost everything that has important in American experimental cinema.


    Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


    85 EUR


  • Secession from the Broadcast

    Gene Youngblood’s lecture, Secession from the Broadcast, is cartographic by design, a lantern & compass for those determined to extirpate their operations from under the clutches of the mass media hydra. Breathing as though alive, through this manifesto Youngblood’s words serve as call to action, a call for a rebellion of intensely illuminated and unexampled proportions. Fused by Youngblood’s innate desires, this work showcases a praxis and research that spans most of a lifetime.


    Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


    25 USD


  • Martina Kudlacek - In the Mirror of Maya Deren

    Using footage from filmmaker Maya Deren's avant-garde films of the 1940s, including the seminal Meshes of the Afternoon (1942) , At Land (1943) , and Ritual in Transfigured Time (1948) ; archival audio interviews and observances from contemporaries such as Stan Brakhage, Amos Vogel, and Jonas Mekas, the documentary provides a glimpse into the mind and life of this groundbreaking and influential artist.


    Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


    29.98 USD


  • Masterworks of American Avant-Garde Experimental Film 1920-1970

    Flicker Alley and the Blackhawk Films® Collection, in collaboration with Filmmakers Showcase, are proud to present Masterworks of American Avant-garde Experimental Film 1920-1970 in a 4-disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo Edition. This breathtaking collection includes 30 films, restored to pristine high-definition, from some of the foremost experimental filmmakers of the 20th century.

    Commencing in 1920 with Charles Sheeler and Paul Strand’s creative collaboration on Manhatta, successive generations of experimental filmmakers and artists have worked in collaboration or alone to create a cinema capable of expressing dynamic unspoken concepts in totally abstract visual terms.


    Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


    59,95 USD


  • The Black Maria Film + Video Festival: Volume 1

    7 of the most exciting independent films from the last 10 years of the Black Maria festival tour have been collected on this electrifying compilation DVD. This DVD captures the essence of a program from the annual festival tour, with works from a variety of genres, including documentary, animation, experimental and narrative.


    Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


    19,99 USD


  • Between the Black Box and the White Cube

    Today, the moving image is ubiquitous in global contemporary art. The first book to tell the story of the postwar expanded cinema that inspired this omnipresence, Between the Black Box and the White Cube travels back to the 1950s and 1960s, when the rise of television caused movie theaters to lose their monopoly over the moving image, leading cinema to be installed directly alongside other forms of modern art.


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


    30 USD


  • Pierre Hébert: The Science of Moving Images

    Complex, fertile, atypical, Pierre Hébert\\\'s work is impressive. This box set includes more than 20 films: short abstract works, political films, experiments emerging from multidisciplinary performances, as well as the first feature-length animated film


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


    44.95 USD


  • Craig Baldwin - Spectres of the Spectrum

    SPECTRES OF THE SPECTRUM plunders Baldwin\'s treasure trove of early television shows, industrial and educational films, Hollywood movies, advertisements and cartoons, combining these with live-action footage, no-budget special effects, and relentless nar


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


    26.95 USD


  • Jonas Mekas - Guns of the Trees

    Four young people are trying to understand why their friend, a young woman, committed a suicide. A film made up of disconnected scenes weaving between past and present. The title of the film comes from a poem by Stuart Perkoff which tells that some young people felt (around 1960) that everything is against them, so much that even the trees in the parks and streets seemed to them like guns pointing at their very existence.


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


    25 EUR


  • Ernie Gehr - Bon Voyage

    An extensive overview of the oeuvre of one of the masters of experimental cinema, including a complete chronology of the cineast's work and life as well as newly commissioned contributions by Andrea Bellini, Ken Eisenstein, John Hanhardt, and a visual essay by the artist.

    Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève from January to April 2015.


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


    28 EUR



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