
  • Nathaniel Dorsky: Film Stills

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    Every shot is the narrative and the narrative is every shot.” from “Devotional Cinema” by Nathaniel Dorsky

    Peter Blum is pleased to announce an exhibition of photographic works by Nathaniel Dorsky. Film Stills is the first exhibition of the artist’s work at Peter Blum Gallery on view at 20 West 57th Street, New York. There will be an opening reception on Thursday November 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. The exhibition runs through January 9, 2016.

    Nathaniel Dorsky’s photographs extract intimate moments of observation from his acclaimed silent films. This exhibition features a suite of 30 archival pigment prints that distill the poetic spatial layering of the films. If Dorsky’s films are like a waking dream, then the film stills are a memory of that dream—a crystallization of the meditative state achieved by the moving image and an absolute value by which to measure the fleetingness of our collective existence.


    De Jueves, Noviembre 19, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Enero 9, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Peter Blum Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • In Vino Veritas: Secrets of the Intoxicated Life

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    Drugs have been used to access the spiritual dimensions of existence in many cultures since the dawn of civilization.  Artists have likewise sought to escape the confines of the rational mind through the use of substances that expand the senses, alter perception, and suspend the repression of the conscious mind. And others, eager to subvert the conventions of a prevailing culture, have hoped to achieve liberation and even Enlightenment by modifying how they thought.  In Vino Veritas: Secrets of the Intoxicated Life will explore the heights and depths of consciousness to reveal truths inaccessible to the sober.


    De Sábado, Noviembre 21, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Noviembre 22, 2015 - 19:55


    The Sunview Luncheonette - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • DIM Cinema: Almanac (Circa 1970)

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    In 1970, a unique project was commissioned by the Stills Division of the National Film Board of Canada: fifteen West Coast artists -- many of them using a camera for the first time -- were invited to create a series of photographic booklets that were later compiled into an anthology. The B.C. Almanac(h) C-B artists conceived the book as an exhibition, and designed the accompanying exhibition as a 3-D version of the book’s production. To bring to light this forgotten event in the history of West Coast media art, Presentation House Gallery has reprinted the anthology and remounted the exhibition, along with works from the period by artists featured in the book.


    Lunes, Noviembre 23, 2015 - 19:30


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • Leslie Thornton. Estéticas de la incertidumbre

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    A lo largo de cuatro décadas, la reputada artista norteamericana Leslie Thornton (1951) ha creado un complejo y penetrante corpus cinematográfico y videográfico, caracterizado por los desplazamientos constantes o por su posición intersticial. Algunos rasgos de una obra que se resiste a cómodas clasificaciones son la interrogación de las fronteras y los solapamientos entre medios y soportes; la continua exploración de las posibilidades que brinda una tecnología cambiante; la indagación crítica de las nociones de narración y representación; el cuestionamiento de la obra cerrada o terminada y, en consecuencia, el aplazamiento de su clausura semiótica. De hecho, muchas de sus piezas están concebidas como series capitulares en constante desarrollo y han sido reelaboradas y remontadas durante décadas, como ocurre con la ya clásica Peggy and Fred in Hell (1984-2015) —un hito del cine experimental contemporáneo— o con The Great Invisible (2002-), ambas presentadas aquí en su versión más reciente.


    De Domingo, Noviembre 15, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Noviembre 19, 2015 (Todo el día)


    Gólem Alhondiga - Bilbao, España
  • FILM IMPLOSION! Experiments in Swiss Cinema and Moving Images

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    As the first exhibition dedicated to experimental Swiss cinema, Film Implosion! sheds light on a little known aspect of art history in Switzerland. It presents a wide panorama of genre practices within the medium of cinema more specifically, but also video work, from the 1960ʼs to today. Through formal interventions directly on the celluloid, various in-situ installations, unconventional documentaries, political, feminist, animated, and fiction films, all these artists challenged the traditional codes of cinema.

    For the past four years, and with the help of the SNF (Swiss National Fund), researchers François Bovier, Adeena Mey, Fred Truniger, and Thomas Schärer have been investigating experimental cinema in Switzerland. From this considerable excavating and mapping work, stems Fri Artʼs proposal for the firstever exhibition on this subject.   For the most part unseen, some 70 artworks, in digital or 16-mm format and signed by artists ranging from Fredi M. Murer, Dieter Meier, Carole Roussopoulos, Dieter Roth, HHK Schoenherr, Hannes Schüpbach, or Peter Stämpfli will be shown. The exhibition will also include video works, installations, and para-filmic objects spanning 50 years of radical creativity.


    De Sábado, Noviembre 21, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Febrero 21, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Fri Art Kunsthalle - Fribourg, Suiza
  • FICXLAB 2015

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    FICXLAB, la sección dedicada al cine y vídeo experimental del Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijón organizada por LABoral y con la colaboración de la Revista Lumière retorna este año los próximos días 20 a 28 de noviembre con una propuesta que vuelve a aunar el trabajo de artistas visuales y cineastas experimentales. Entre los eventos más destacados de la programación de esta edición, destacan la proyección de obras seminales de R.Bruce Elder y Robert Nelson, así como programas dedicados a la obra de Nathaniel Dorsky, Helga Fanderl, João Maria Gusmão y Pedro Paiva ó José Val del Omar, entre otros.


    De Viernes, Noviembre 20, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Noviembre 28, 2015 (Todo el día)


  • OFFoff-ON: Kozakis & Vaneigem / Kozakis & Savitskaya / Abrantes & Schmidt / Humbert & Penzel

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    A Moment of Eternity in the Passage of Time is a black-and-white video projection with images by visual artist Nicolas Kozakis and text by philosopher and writer Raoul Vaneigem. The work was shot in Mount Athos, a remote mountain and peninsula in northern Greece, which is home to a number of Greek Orthodox monasteries. Access to the area is restricted to few visitors and women are not allowed. Apart from being a holy place, it is also one of escape and meditation for those who manage to gain access. The video unfolds in an undisclosed location, by the sea. A sad-faced, lone immigrant construction worker goes about the task of building a traditional stone house, at his own pace, stopping now and then to smoke a cigarette and contemplate the magnificent, totally still sea view. His task is facilitated by a few donkeys, ancient labourers which have now become all but obsolete from the modern workforce.


    Miércoles, Noviembre 18, 2015 - 20:30


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Scratch Projection: Björn Kämmerer vs Johann Lurf

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    Of German origin, Björn Kämmerer lives and works in Vienna. Alongside Johann Lurf, they are part of the young Austrian guard that reinvents the cinematic language using brilliantly different media and mediums. Their films have been awarded many prizes at international festivals and this session will be a rare opportunity to compare their work and exchange views.


    Martes, Noviembre 17, 2015 - 20:30


    Studio des Ursulines - Paris, Francia
  • Film, Paper, Sound: Performance works by Sarah Halpern

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    Microscope Gallery is very pleased to present an evening of moving image and sound performance works by Sarah Halpern in connection with her current solo exhibit "The Changing Room".

    The artist's 35mm film strip and vocal performance pieces in "Film, Paper, Sound" reflect themes of transformation, dualism, and the differences in individual perception and are related to the works on view at the gallery. In the new 35mm film strip projection collage "Watch" Halpern correlates time to magic tricks combining images from clippings about Houdini's graphic notes explaining how certain tricks are performed, recent pocket watch collector's catalogues, and fragments of texts from books about early cinema technology. The second piece "Strip" is a projection through a complete molted snake skin, which the artist found in a garden, stretched across a film strip.


    Lunes, Noviembre 16, 2015 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Österreichisches Filmmuseum: Joseph Cornell

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    Utopia Parkway: It is from this fittingly poetic-sounding address in Queens, NY, that the art of Joseph Cornell (1903-1972) emerged. Although he scarcely left New York during his lifetime, Cornell's work was strongly influenced by his interest in the old continent, astronomy and eras long past. Cornell was intrigued with all things distant; but instead of starting to travel he created his own cosmos: "This is a man who would look at the stars and dream about the mechanics of the universe." (Walter Hopps)


    Miércoles, Noviembre 11, 2015 - 20:30
    Jueves, Noviembre 12, 2015 - 20:30


    Austrian Film Museum - Vienna, Austria
