
  • Street Sets

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     The Peephole Cinema is pleased to present Street Sets - compositions made from the visual rhythms of urban settings. Work by Eric Dyer, Johan Rijpma and Caleb Wood will be on view 24 hours a day from February 15th through March 27th, 2016. Curated by Sarah Klein.


    De Lunes, Febrero 15, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Marzo 27, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Peephole Cinema San Francisco - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • OFFoff Cinema: Courtisane Festival preview

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    This screening fits into our running programme and the theme of essayism, and it is an announcement to the programme In Between Lines of the forthcoming Courtisane Festival in which Offoff and Courtisane present The Song of the Shirt, a unique and influential film by Sue Clayton and Jonathan Curling (1979). It is a study of the position of working women in the 1840's, the effects of protectionist 'philanthropy' and the resistance to it.


    De Lunes, Febrero 15, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Febrero 16, 2016 - 19:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Cinema Anèmic #07: Boris Lehman

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    El domingo 7 de febrero Xcèntric proyecta dos películas de Boris Lehman por primera vez en Barcelona. La asociación NOOK-Poble Sec y el ciclo de proyecciones Cinema Anèmic queremos aprovechar la ocasión para proyectar al día siguiente, el lunes 8 de febrero, otras tres piezas cortas en 16 mm, también presentadas por el propio realizador.

    Sesión programada por Boris Lehman:

    - Muet comme une carpe / Mudo como un pez / Bélgica-RFA / 1987 / 38’ / 16 mm / color / VOS inglés


    Lunes, Febrero 8, 2016 - 19:30


    NOOK - Barcelona, España
  • Between the Frames - Japanese experimental film on 16mm: prolific years 1975-1980

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    The Japanese experimental cinema movement became strong in the late 60’s, having it’s peak in the late 70’s. Toshio Matsumoto, who started making avant-garde documentaries and artistic feature film, and other predecessors, had a big influence on a new generation of film makers. Many of them were fascinated in exploring the mechanism of the moving image. This program highlights the peak period of Japanese experimental film, putting Atman (1975) by Toshio Matsumoto, which creates an extraordinary spatiotemporal sensation, and Spacy, by Takashi Ito, seriously influenced by Atman, as two merkmals. The films in this program, except Matsumoto’s and Ito’s film, have not been digitized, and their importance is underestimated both inside and outside Japan. For this reason it is a rare opportunity to watch these films in the original format.


    De Lunes, Febrero 8, 2016 - 15:00 hasta Martes, Febrero 9, 2016 - 14:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Xcèntric: La voluptuosidad del mirar. James Herbert

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    Cineasta y pintor, James Herbert es conocido por sus videoclips para R.E.M., pero su cine se ha visto muy pocas veces. Entre la atracción voyerista y la reflexión, muestra la sensibilidad del cineasta para reinterpretar el cuerpo a través de la refotografía: figuras de parejas desnudas en un entorno visual, reflejos de la impresión del tacto o la soledad, mientras la película se intensifica con el grano, la textura y la luz.


    De Jueves, Febrero 4, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Febrero 5, 2016 - 19:55


  • Light Movement 11

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    Light Movement 11 brings together a selection of filmmakers, most of whom have had screenings in the series over 2015. This is a great chance to see a selection of films which convey the general dirrection of the series so far, all shown in their original formats. We also welcome several of these filmmakers to the screening in person.

    Plus some music in the bar from DJ mfx (reboot fm)


    Viernes, Enero 29, 2016 - 19:30


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Alemania
  • The Festival of (In)appropriation #8

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    Los Angeles Filmforum presents The Festival of (In)appropriation #8

    Curators Jaimie Baron and Greg Cohen in person!

    Whether you call it collage, compilation, found footage, détournement, or recycled cinema, the incorporation of already existing media into new artworks is a practice that generates novel juxtapositions and new meanings and ideas, often in ways entirely unrelated to the intentions of the original makers. Such new works are, in other words, “inappropriate.” This act of (in)appropriation may even produce revelations about the relationship between past and present, here and there, intention and subversion, artist and critic, not to mention the "producer" and "consumer" of visual culture itself. Fortunately for our purposes, the past decade has witnessed the emergence of a wealth of new audiovisual elements available for appropriation into new works. In addition to official state and commercial archives, resources like vernacular collections, home movie repositories, and digital archives now also provide fascinating material to repurpose in ways that lend it new meaning and resonance.


    Domingo, Febrero 21, 2016 - 19:30


    Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos
  • Xcèntric: La calle era feliz cuando iluminaba sus fantasmas. El cine de Ernie Gehr

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    Proyectamos tres de las películas más representativas de la primera etapa del cineasta norteamericano Ernie Gehr. Encuadrado dentro del llamado cine estructural, su discurso fílmico trasciende esta clasificación, ubicándolo dentro de la categoría de clásico de la vanguardia.

    Un plano puede ser una película; una película, una disposición de instantáneas expuestas durante fracciones de segundo o minutos eternos. Con cada latido —proyección intermitente de los fotogramas—, la luz, que depende de los reflejos, del objetivo o de la emulsión, se comunica con nuestros nervios y revela la verdadera acción.


    De Jueves, Enero 28, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 29, 2016 - 19:55


  • Up to the Sky: 4 Films by Barbara Meter

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    Barbara Meter is a pivotal figure in Dutch experimental cinema. In the 70's she was the driving force behind the Electric Cinema in Amsterdam, where numerous British and American filmmakers screened their work alongside their Dutch colleagues. Meter has a long filmography including experimental films, documentaries and fiction. She describes her experimental films as "lyrical structuralist". Curated by Karel Doing, the programme includes four films in which Meter combines documentary aspects with a more formal approach. Her latest film Up to the Sky and Much Much More will be screened in the UK for the first time. She will be present during the screening and participate in a short Q&A afterwards.  



    De Viernes, Febrero 19, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 20, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • The Set Speaks

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    The Set Speaks is a two-month continuous live stream featuring seven artist-groups who will produce week-long performances from a 641 square foot studio in Chicago. Provided with 24/7 access, four cameras, a video switcher, a computer and a connection to the internet, each group will create their own 168-hour live, durational work. Borrowing from the ubiquitous forms of nature cams and security feeds, the live broadcasts will be equal parts moving image works and portraits of the artists at play, rest, rehearsal, and performance. Taking shape and enduring alongside the viewers’ real-times, the interests and subjectivities embedded in the works will amount to seven takes on simultaneity. Stop-by, call-in, and watch: YYYYMMDD#NewGlobalMatriarchy2 Queens in a Kitchen, soap operas, still LIVEs, and more.


    De Lunes, Febrero 8, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Marzo 31, 2016 (Todo el día)


    ACRE TV - Chicago, Estados Unidos
