Experimental film and new media from the Middle East and North Africa

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Experimental film and new media from the Middle East and North Africa
Call for Submissions
Deadline February 1st 2012

The Arts at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, a visual arts exhibition program, is planning a Spring 2012 program of experimental film and new media from the Middle East, North Africa, and their diasporas. Inspired by the Arab Spring and its potential for a radical redress of oppressive structures of power, the program explores ways in which power determines frames of social and cultural visibility. Drawn from work both invited and solicited through this call, the program examines marginalized subjectivities. Submitted work should address gender and sexuality, (cross) border identities, counter-cultural practices, or other experiences not commonly reflected in mainstream narrative films.

This program is co-sponsored by Artist Television Access and the San Francisco Arab Film Festival. There are no limitations on length and no fees for submitting your film. For submission form and guidelines please send an email to [email protected].
